Are you looking for affordable auto insurance in Bucks, Chester or Delaware counties? Do you need to get car insurance for your teen driver in Montgomery County? When it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones as well as your vehicles, value matters just as much as price. Many cut-rate insurance programs advertise based on price alone, but you need car insurance that will help you get back on the road after an accident. Fanelli, Harley, Harper & Assoc can assist you. We work with several top-rated insurance carriers to provide auto coverage with true value for our customers.
The state of Pennsylvania requires all drivers to carry no-fault or PIP insurance in addition to minimum liability coverage. No-fault insurance pays for the treatment of injuries incurred by you or your passengers regardless of who is responsible for an auto accident. The minimum required coverage in the state of Pennsylvania is a total of $5,000 in property damage and $30,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per accident as well as $5,000 in no-fault insurance. For most drivers, we recommend more extensive coverage to truly protect you and your passengers in the event of an accident.
If you rear-end another vehicle while driving on slick roads or get hit by an uninsured motorist, the cost of your accident could easily exceed the minimum liability limits. That’s why we work with our customers to find affordable coverage that exceeds the legal minimums. Available auto insurance options include
We help our customers shop for the best value. When you request an auto insurance quote, we’ll look for discounts that may apply to your specific situation. Available car insurance discounts may include
Get your free online quote today, and let us help you stay on the road with the right insurance coverage.